Friday, October 14, 2011

In The Club

Hola Readers! How have you all been? Sorry for not posting lately, things have been a little busy for me. I did make time to watch the new NBC series "The Playboy Club", which unfortunately seems to have been retired early. Too bad because Amber Heard was super foxy as a bunny and I thought the show was off to a good start, heck there was a killing on the very first episode. There was also several great shots of the bunnies getting dressed or undressed wearing their vintage lingerie, some lovely nylon full cut panties. I suppose that didn't appeal to most male audience members, but being a lingerie freak I liked it. Anyway, guess we'll have to wait until the discs come out to see the unaired episodes.


  1. I'm with you on the demise of the show. In reading some of the previews of it I kind of felt that it was doomed before it started. Too bad!

    Also... good to see you back. You've been missed!

  2. Agreed with PMs cll on the show and your blog.
