Tuesday, December 07, 2010

VS 2010 Mini Review

Marhaba Readers! I finally got around to watching my recording of the VS Fashion Show. I thought they did a good job on it this year. To me, it was better than last year's show, but not as good as some of the past ones, I certainly enjoyed it! Katy Perry was really cute too, I loved her outfits and she put on a good show (as did Akon). I didn't see the million dollar bra this year, so I guess they're dropping that from the show from now? Also, Heidi and Miranda weren't there this year, which I thought was a loss. Miranda is one of my favorites, so I really missed seeing her. I liked the mini profiles they did of the girls where they were saying who's naughtiest and such. All in all, I enjoyed the show a lot this year again. It's like they say about fishing, even the worst day watching a lingerie fashion show is great!

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