Friday, August 27, 2010

A Quickie

Goeie dag Readers! How did your week go? I was pretty busy this week, so sorry for the absence of postings. As usual, I've been lurking about reading your blogs, but not enough time to throw up a post of my own.

Mirroring PM's recent panty sighting, I was at the grocery store the other day and got a nice peek. The produce girl was squatting down taking bags of packaged veggies out of a cardboard box and gave me a nice view of her purple full backs. Ah, the little things that can just make your day sometimes. Sure makes grocery shopping a happier experience!

Have a great weekend!


  1. i do love a good panty peek!!

  2. Parades and open air concerts have always been a good place to get a few "views". Nice pic!

  3. parades and panties...

    what a weekend...

  4. Sheen : Me Too!

    PM: Thanks, can't take credit for it, found that one on the internet.

    Sir T: Yes sir!

