Sunday, January 17, 2010

For Foot Worshipers

Salud Deoc'h Readers! Do I have any Monk fans in the house? I'm talking about the recently concluded TV series on the USA network. For those not in the know, the show starred Tony Shaloub as a bumbling OCD riddled genius detective. His side kick was played by Traylor Howard, whose picture graces the blog today. She plays her part on the show so well, nurturing Mr Monk and pushing him to get over his fears. As you can see, she is the girl next door type, very cute and warm looking, but not over the top glamorous. It seems that when she steps out to events though, she does indeed have a much more glitzy side to her, and I've got to say I like it! I stumbled across these pics of her cute lil tootsies wrapped in Manolo Blahniks; tres sexy if I may say so. I'm not really a foot fetishist, but I do appreciate a cute foot in a sexy shoe! ;^) As for the TV show, I encourage you to take a look at it, I always found it to be a lot of fun to watch.


  1. I'm not a foot fetishist either, but I swear the older I get, the more I appreciate the sexiness of a good pair of shoes!

  2. I don't have a foot fetish either, but I certainly appreciate a nice finish on beautiful legs. Funny thing is, I never got the less is more with shoes.

    I'm not a strappy sandal guy, either literally or figuratively! I find nothing glamorous about the look shown. Too insubstantial. She looks more ready for the beach than a night out. They don't even bother with stockings or hose anymore. Trashy is a more apt description.

    But hey, they all do it now, right? It's such a shame that women today don't take a tip from their elders. Women in the 40s, 50s and 60s understood. There's too much stripper chic, and it's not a good thing.

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  4. Treacle: Me too! ;^)

    JamieLin: I see what you mean, but for some reason I find these sandal type shoes to be so cute and feminine. I think they're two different categories, like grannys and thongs.

  5. I always looked for Traylor and what she was wearing... but never paid any attention to her feet.

  6. I'm a foot fetishist - thanks for the pictures!
