Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Second

Buon Giorno readers! How's it going? Today, I'm posting picture of panty number two of my recent purchases. This is another VS from their Initmissimi line from Italy. You like? They're made of very light, thin and smooth nylon. I love the swath of pretty lace across the front which doesn't have the usual liner layer underneath, helping to keep these panties light and sexy. I like them a lot and think they'd make a nice addition to any panty lover's lingerie drawer. Better get down to the store soon though, because I think they're closing this model out. VS is having their semi annual sale right now too, with free shipping on $100 or more (use code vsfrship at checkout).


Pantymaven said...

Was out at the mall yesterday to meet some people for dinner. Our meeting place was just down from the VS store and as I waited I watched just who walked in and out of the store. I was truly surprised at just how many males I saw. I imagine that there's a ton more who use their web site.

Anne said...

Heh, yeah. Whenever I see a man in a lingerie section of a store, I can't help wondering what he's doing there... shopping for himself, shopping for the missus, or just hanging around thinking naughty thoughts. My friend and I almost got a cute guy to model lingerie for us once. Too bad he chickened out.

badside said...

PM: I'd have to agree with your observation, there are a lot of guys that shop for lingerie. I'd say that the women who buy pretty lingerie are halfway doing it for themselves and half for their partners. ;^)

Anne: Sounds like he missed out on some fun! If you see me in the lingerie department, I could be there for all three of your reasons at once!

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