Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Beach Strip

Dobar dan readers! How is your week going so far? Not much happening around here, but then that's probably a good thing really. I was hanging out at the beach with some friends last weekend. It was pretty crowded, with lots of people walking around. Me and a friend decided to sit in the car and people watch for a little while when I spotted this couple walking to their car. The girl was average looking with a slender to medium build. It happened that they were parked a few cars over from us, but across the isle (we were backed into our space), so I had a good view of them. I actually wasn't really paying attention to them at all, but out of the corner of my eye I caught that motion of someone about to remove their pants. I looked over and she had her hands on the waist of her pants and she pulled them down! I almost gasped out loud! Unfortunatley, she was wearing a pair of shorts under her pants, so it turned out to be not much of a thrill at all. It's funny though how that motion was so eye catching, caught my attention right away!


Pantymaven said...

Sometimes seeing those "subtle motions" can lead to trouble... if you go with the original assumption. :-)

SheenV said...

Gorgeous picture - I wonder who makes those panties.

Anonymous said...

PM: :^)

Sheen: Agree with you there, not sure of the maker.


Anonymous said...

That is funny. :)

I like how you say hello in all sorts of different languages.


badside said...

Anne: LOL, This blog is perverted AND educational! ;^D

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