Friday, June 26, 2009

Bottom's Up

Hola Readers! Pictured above is Linda Amiguilla's cute little bottom from FTV girls, a site which seems to have an abundance of hotties. I'm not a subscriber there, so can't tell you what goes on behind the gate though. Watched the Friday the 13th movie remake on DVD the other day. It was just OK, although there were some nice nudity scenes including some tent sex. One girl strips to her panties and goes wake boarding, of course because that's what hot chicks always do when they go to the lake, right?! ;^)


Anne said...

That's what hot dumb chicks do when there's a killer on the loose and suspenseful music is playing in the background. Especially if it's dark.
Nooooo!!! Don't go skinny dipping in the lake! Can't you hear the scary music?
Hee-hee! ;D

SheenV said...

Another hottie I need to keep track of!

badside said...

Anne: LOL! :^)

Sheen: Yup!

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