Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another Era

Hola mi Amigos y Amigas! How are you all doing? I found yet another fascinating lesson in history that I just knew would be of interest to you all. It's so funny because back when I was a kid in school, I found history SO boring. Maybe it was the teachers, or maybe it was the presentation. All I know is that I didn't like it very much. Now if they were giving a lesson on say, I don't know, maybe the panty raids that swept American college campuses in the 1950's, then yeah, I probably would have paid more attention! Anyway, here's a link to the article, very interesting stuff, must have been a quite a time.


  1. Interesting article, for sure. However, it says that raids continued but were "sporadic" throughout the 50's. That's not exactly true. The raids continued but received little or no publicity so it seemed that way. It's true that the colleges and Universities did communicate with each other about how to handle the raids and that helped keep them from becoming a riot type situation like the one that was described. Going to an all male school, it wasn't as easy for us. We had to organize "road trips" to accomplish our goal. I know for a fact that at my wife's school, the girls in the sororities had a supply of worn out panties and bras to pull out and to use whenever they faced a "raid". I only participated in a couple and was never lucky enough to be a "winner" of any of the sought after garments. As I remember it, the largest contingent of "raiders" was maybe four cars and possibly 15 or 16 guys. Regardless, it was a LOT of fun!

  2. I feel the same way. Either you and I had the same teachers, or they're ALL boring like that. Now I'm not one to suspect conspiracies... oh wait, yes I am. ;) I suspect the school district or government has way too much say in what individual teachers teach.

  3. PM: Those must have been some crazy times! I can imagine the house mother telling the girls to have they're raid panties ready! LOL! :^) Thanks for telling us about that!

    Anne: I agree, we need people who think outside the box!

