Thursday, January 29, 2009


Hola Readers! Hey guess what? I was channel surfing the other night and came across a show about "undergarments". It was on the History Channel, one of the Modern Marvels series (love this series, very interesting). Usually they cover topics such as the interstate highway system, the traffic tunnels in Colorado, or some sort of machinery, so I was pretty surprised (and happy) to find that the topic was undies. It was pretty tame stuff, but I still learned a few things. They showed how pantyhose is made (two legs that are joined), how seamless panties are made (with ultrasonic welding, leaving a soft edge). Facinating stuff, well to me anyway. Did you know that bra cups used to be made of concentric rings of fabric sewn together (that's where the name bullet bra came from)? Now they have a machine that makes the cups to an exact shape, in one piece. They showed how elasctic bands are made and said that prior to the use of elastic, underwear had buttons and snaps to hold them in place. Anyway, if you get the History Channel, take a look at your tv schedule and see if they're airing the same episode where you are.


  1. Looking at that picture and reading your post I'm reminded that I never (consciously) saw a "bullet bra". I guess that I was too focused in the "nether regions". :-)
    PS: I do appreciate the picture!

  2. LOL, I know what you mean, I've always been a panty man too.


  3. Clothes have come a long way just in the time we've been alive. Thank goodness for elastic, spandex and the like.

    I love Modern Marvels too. And Mythbusters. And Phineas and Ferb. :D

  4. I watched that same program!

  5. Anne: Yup elastic is certainly one of the greatest inventions! I like Mythbusters too.

    Sheen: LOL, it sure looked like the kind of show that would interest us lingerie lovers!

  6. have a look at my new blog, it documents an anonymous scrapbook you might enjoy seeing.
