Monday, November 12, 2007

The Catalog

Big Howdy to my readers! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty good, caught up with an old friend over some drinks. Saw "American Gangster", a very long (2.5 hours not including credits and trailers), but good movie. Outside of one "brief" (ha...gotcha), moment there isn't much to report on from the movie in terms of lingerie. I do have something else to report about on the lingerie front. Pictured today is the cover and inside cover of a wonderful catalog from clothing retailer Nordstrom. The entire catalog is devoted to my favorite category of clothing, lingerie! My eye's nearly popped out of their sockets when I found this puppy (that's not all that almost popped!). The catalog is 59 pages of elegant lustfulness all done in very tasteful photos. I'm having a hard time getting good pics of this baby, but in the next few weeks you can expect to be seeing more from this catalog. Something to look forward to I assure you.

Notice the hint of bra showing there on the cover? Whoever took that picture sure knows the art of tease! Great shot!

I've personally never bought lingerie at Nordstrom, but I can testify to having seen some very nice lingerie behind their doors. They tend to carry slightly upscale underthings than some of the other stores. If there's a Nordstrom near you, have a look, I'm sure you'll find something you'll like. Well, that's it for now, hope you all have a great week.