Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Is This Seat Taken?

Tzu na' readers! How is your week going so far? Or how is your relationship for that matter? I sometimes watch the Home and Garden TV channel (I swear I'm not gay). I suppose I enjoy living vicariously through the people on that channel, buying a vacation home in an exotic country or remodeling their humble abodes to something you might see in a movie. Anyway, I noticed that they have been running ads for Ashley Madison, the cheaters website. I was kind of shocked to see the ads for a couple of reasons. One, I guess is that I wouldn't imagine that the site was so popular that they would have a budget to spend on TV ads. Then I was shocked that people would respond to an ad on TV to cheat on their spouse. Anyway, I was wondering who these ads are aimed at. It has to be bored wives, since the main character in the ad is a woman. Perhaps the HGTV channel has a lonely housewife demographic? And I guess that means I fit in with them somehow. Honest, I'm not gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), I've never even tasted an appletini! ;^P


Pantymaven said...


SheenV said...

Your manhood is safe with me!

SultrySSC said...

Oh you were talking about the cheaters website not the show. The show deals with catching your spouse cheating. There is something wrong with me when I look forward to that show with a bag of popcorn.

You have never tested a what!?!?!?!

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