Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Olga Rising

Hola Readers! How are you all doing? Once again, I am guilty of being plain old fashioned lazy. I have no excuse as to why I haven't been posting lately, maybe it's the weather? Anywho, the panty of the day comes from my private collection, a recent addition which I got from Fresh Pair. They are Olga Secret Hug Nylon Scoops in half pant cut. Although they are supposedly a low rise cut, they are still much higher than your usual (or my usual ;^D) low rise panties. All the more to show off that pretty lace detailing around the waist band! They seem to be well constructed and the material is a very light and thin, sheerish, bright white nylon. The material is pretty smooth, but not as silky as the Vanity Faire's I posted a while back (those are like butter). The Olga's have a cute little back seam that follows the crack of your butt (not pictured), which I like very much. Kind of an old school touch. I think they've been making this style of panty for ever and I hope they continue to as well. Go get yourself a pair or three. And as a bonus, I found a nice little video clip of these panties in high cut form being modeled. Thanks for stopping by!


SheenV said...

Nice vid!

Pantymaven said...

Thanks for the vid! I stayed at YouTube peeking at a whole bunch more for a good 20 minutes. :-).

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys enjoyed it! :^)


SilknSatin said...

Olga is one of my all-time favorites. I love that extra-pretty lace, so feminine!

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