Monday, February 23, 2009

Naughty Behavior

Abenaki Readers! How was your weekend? Mine was pretty uneventful (a good thing). I took in a movie, but sadly there were just no sexy scenes to tell you about. I did however come across this very funny little snippet that I thought you, my horny readers, would enjoy.

This guy is hilarious!


Pantymaven said...

That clip got my day started off on the right foot!

SheenV said...

Man I loved that picture!!

Anonymous said...

wow! i dont think any girl is ever jealous of camel toe! ew!!!

badside said...

PM: Glad you liked it. :^)

Sheen: Ditto

Jez: To each their own I guess? ;^) I actually liked that pic for a couple of reasons. One, she's cute, smiling, happy and all. Two, I love under boobery (and side boob also), the female form is divine!

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