Monday, January 12, 2009

A Question

Tervist Readers! How was your weekend? I just vegged out mostly and was surprised by all the upsets in the playoffs. I sampled my new toy too, but more on that in a later post. I found this question posted on line and found some of the answers amusing. You guys already know how I feel about wearing panties, it's nothing I have an explanation for either. I wore my girlfriend's panties in high school. I think she liked it too as she was the one who offered them to me. I took a shower at her parent's place (they both worked long hours) after we'd had sex and she gave me her panties to wear home. Unfortunately, they were just some cotton bikinis and not something racier. Of course I would have never made it home if she gave me some satin or nylon frilly undies! Anyway, like I always say, if it makes you feel good and it's not hurting anyone else, why not? I agree with one guy that posted a reply, it's not as much a visual turn on for me as it is the feeling. Of course I'd be pleased if my mate was turned on at the sight on me in her undies!


SheenV said...

I agree - for me it is much more of how they feel on me than how they look.

MommyHeadache said...

No I have never had a boyfriend who wanted to wear my knickers - but I would not care if he did.

Pantymaven said...

In my younger days it was the "look". With age I've found the feeling to be a most important part of the whole package

Mr. Panty said...

The bottom (no pun intended) line is that panties are nothing more than a garment, and the wearing of them is merely a preference-- so why the fuss? For me, it's hard to understand why a guy wouldn't want to wear them-- they feel nicer against the skin and look terrific. What's not to love??

Anonymous said...

I like the look of a guy in sexy lingerie, never paid much attention to the feel. Then again if I paid attention I suppose I'd like the feel too. Unfortunately I don't date too many men who are willing to wear lingerie, or admit it if they do. The closest I can usually get is seeing photos of cuties such as yourself. ...Which makes me wonder how many men I dated who liked wearing lingerie but I just didn't know it.

badside said...

Sheen: Yup, how they feel and how they make you feel! ;^)

EmmaK: You're ex's missed out! I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of them secretly wanted to, seems to be a pretty widespread (pun intended) fetish.

PM: First they get you with the looks, then you're hooked on the feel...for life!

Mr P: Exactly, it's amazing how people can get their "panties in a bunch" over panties! I think if guys were to try it, they'd never go back!

Anne: I know one guy who wouldn't mind doing a fashion show for ya! ;^) I suspect there are a lot of guys hiding in the closet (or is that panty drawer?) with this fetish.

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