Friday, January 02, 2009

Kicking Off '09

Labas Readers! How were your New Year celebrations? I hope you all had a good time and avoided any hang overs the next morning. My partying was pretty tame compared to years past, a good thing from my perspective now. A little beer and a little bubbly was about it. I'm looking forward to sharing a great 09 with you all, so cheers to the New Year!!

I watched that movie "Don't Mess with the Zohan" recently. It stars Adam Sandler, who's antics have become tiresome and annoying of late. I will say that he was pretty funny in this one, as he was playing a completely different character than his usual Happy Gilmore type roles. The movie is bursting with sexual jokes and is pretty entertaining. Of course Mr. Sandler cast a very lovely leading lady to be his interest played by Emmanuelle Chiriqui a Moroccan beauty (pictured above). Unfortunately, we never get to see Ms. Chiriqui in the buff or even in her silky undies, but she is still easy to watch (as I'm sure you can tell).


Pantymaven said...

Your "subject" is a pleasing way to start the New Year. I know we'll see quite a few more!

Anonymous said...

That actress is very cute. I've been kinda wanting to see that movie, it seems funny. Would you say it's something kids could watch too, or is it best to see it when the rugrats are sleeping?

badside said...

Glad you guys like her! She's very cute in the movie.

Anne: I wouldn't recommend it for younger viewers due to sexual content. Silly butt nudity, some funny sex scenes, lots of sexual jokes.

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